Weaponizing WhatsApp: Organized Propaganda and the Erosion of Democratic Discourse in India


  • Dr. A. Shaji George Independent Researcher, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India




Disinformation, WhatsApp, Computational Propaganda, Media Manipulation, Democratic Discourse, Public Reasoning, Constitutional Values, Platform Accountability, Fact-Checking, Media Literacy


Over the past decade, the messaging platform WhatsApp has exploded in popularity across India, with over 400 million users as of 2019. While WhatsApp provides a means of affordable communication, recent research reveals how political parties have weaponized the platform to spread organized propaganda and manipulate public discourse. This academic study analyzes the sophisticated techniques employed by what is termed the "WhatsApp mafia" to erode fact-based, reasoned debate and compromise the integrity of India's democracy. The paper outlines how the WhatsApp mafia operates through several propaganda departments, each with a specialized role. One department constructs tales glorifying religious history while omitting complex truths, stroking false pride. A second department disseminates narratives of victimhood, exploiting pity to make audiences feel oppressed by fabricated threats. Channels also actively stoke hatred and fear towards particular religious communities, creating division. Finally, political leaders are painted as the sole saviors who can defend the people against these manufactured dangers. By barraging citizens with emotionally charged content tailored to activate pride, insecurity, anger and loyalty, the WhatsApp mafia ensnares people in brainwashing echo chambers. Good faith counter-perspectives are delegitimized through coordinated disinformation campaigns. The result is that citizens become unwitting captives to propaganda, unable to distinguish truth within the onslaught of manipulative messaging. The paper highlights examples of patently false claims virally transmitted through WhatsApp networks, revealing how propaganda content preys on emotions rather than facts. This drives communal polarization while silencing critical analysis and public accountability. To safeguard the integrity of democratic discourse in India, the study recommends countering propaganda through media literacy campaigns, grassroots democratic engagement, strengthened independent journalism, and reforms requiring platforms to identify and label misinformation. If propaganda goes unchecked, the paper concludes, WhatsApp risks enabling the erosion of fact-based debate and compromising the foundations of India's democracy. But through coordinated efforts to empower citizens and confront organized disinformation, India can protect the democratic principles of pluralism, truth and reasoned deliberation.




How to Cite

Dr. A. Shaji George. (2024). Weaponizing WhatsApp: Organized Propaganda and the Erosion of Democratic Discourse in India. Partners Universal Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 1(1), 22–36. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11178130


